Whats In Worst Video Ever Spankwire Whats The Worst Bad Thing You Have Ever Done?

Whats the worst bad thing you have ever done? - whats in worst video ever spankwire

Mine was when I was in the 9th Was class, the child had brought his video camera to school and you know I was stupid, I thought "hmm .." I was like, how much you want for them? Who says wants to buy some prices, and I was like well my friend. Knowing that my friend is not really at the top of the head I was thinking the whole time, not that I want to believe buying, where is the problem? It was the next day when the child was standing next to me helped me the camera. I left my pants lol. He returned the ones I saw, I said, not yet done what? The bell rang, and still worry me a guy like everyone down, Just Cause, he never lost his camera means you have to make someone accountable. At that time I was free at home, the boy was in factCoward to do something. I have a home realized that I had no charger! I looked on the Internet, a fucking chance! The next day I told my friend bought a camera, but it has a charger (I can not believe it down for this), then it was like someone had my camera man. For some reason, that the charger has got them taken ... and this time I took and the middle class, this time he could get into trouble. His basketball shorts on one, it seemed that had no pockets, even Tho I did. I deposited it! I have a big scene like something that I seek stolen from me. He left the class with a camera and charger!


Elle. said...

Lmao, when I was about 5 in the preschool, I saw this guy and I know, I decided to push. I have done what was covered in this huge tray full of pencils, glue, paper, whatever. IT everywhere! Oh, it was very funny. XD

Sgt. Pepper said...

I cut a cherry tree. I felt so bad, I had to tell to the owner.

John Bonham said...

I previously cut. Wow, I'm too late: (

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