How Does Mucus Look When You Are Near To Your Peroid Day Mucus Plug The Day You Get Pregnant?

Mucus Plug the Day you get Pregnant? - how does mucus look when you are near to your peroid day

Today was the first time my friend and I have had in quite a while, confused, and he cried near my vagina (not inside though). There was no penetration. When you ejaculate, I took a shower to wash myself. After about 5 hours while I was in the bathroom, I noticed a strange discharge, thick, beige), with what looked like a little dark blood (. I worry a little bit and did some research and saw what looked like mucus is a supplement and it looked like. Is it possible to form a plug of mucus as soon have, if I be pregnant? As I said, there was no penetration at all, just a joke. I Should the morning-after pill, to be safe? Thanks for any help.


Jupiter said...

uhm ... I do not think you would have a mucus plug-in at the beginning of her pregnancy. Even if you are already pregnant, it is wayy too late for the morning-after pill.

Missy Doo said...

You do not have a mucus plug before your pregnancy? If the plug does not begin to form shortly after the pregnancy, but just can not get pregnant the day, the egg would implement, and all other good things. Just download it. They have the same opportunity to get out of the water as you do, fall lol mucus, because if you are not pregnant, neither will be one of the case. If you are afraid you will get pregnant then stop when they have sex then intelligent and start taking birth control or condoms.

Sincerel... said...

People who need answers to these questions should not allow sexual interactions with the opposite sex.

Sincerel... said...

People who need answers to these questions should not allow sexual interactions with the opposite sex.

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